Page 5 - WING May-Jun 2016
P. 5
PMC associates and members of
the Hendrick team with VIN 001.

Realizing dreams: “Yume,” the character for “dream” in Japanese is imprinted on the doors of the Performance
Manufacturing Center. The PMC symbol is a replica of founder Soichiro Honda’s own writing.

Honda leadership high-five PMC associates entering the event.
He went on to say, “You have built one of the finest automobiles I
have ever seen in my life.”

“The most amazing thing that I saw today was the smiles on
everybody’s face when I walked through the plant,” Hendrick said.
“You’ve got something special here. You have a culture — you can’t
buy culture and you sure can’t buy the enthusiasm that you have.”

Hendrick brought with him key members from his dealer organiza-
tion to spend the day at HAM’s operations and attend the event. As
an avid car collector, Hendrick’s museum in Charlotte, North Carolina
includes several other 001 vehicles. The first next generation Acura
NSX will join that collection hall.
Following a gradual ramp up, daily production capacity at PMC will
be 8–10 units on one shift, four days a week. W
Stacey Pond

“No matter what the difficulty was, “You have built one of the finest auto -
there was no “quit” in this team.” mobiles I have ever seen in my life.”

– Clement D’Souza – Rick Hendrick
Engineering Large Project Leader 2017 Acura NSX VIN 001 owner

May/June 2016 WING 5
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